Welcome to your TTI Success Insights UK Learning System. Your unique set of pages within the system will be updated either in line with your learning plan or whenever you purchase one of our courses.. This page will be your “home” page and features some useful information that you might need during your learnings.
There is a blue menu bar at the top of this page where you can see lesson tabs. You need to click on these tabs to access and view the content that you have purchased.
When you have finished a learning, please click on the “Mark Complete” tab. You will notice that a tick then appears next to that learning, to remind you that you have completed this particular area of your learning plan. Sometimes, you need to have completed one learning before you can access another. This happens because the TTI Success Insights UK team believe that an understanding in this area is instrumental to understand the next learning.
All lessons have been developed by the TTI Success Insights UK team following years of experience and expertise in that particular area. If you have any feedback or comments on these lessons though, please feel free to send them to:- sarah@ttisuccessinsights.co.uk.
If you have any further questions at all, or feel that you require additional assistance with your learning plan then please contact a member of the TTI Success Insights UK team on 0207 917 9879.
Enjoy your learning!
The TTI Success Insights UK Team.